There is so much gold in this post Emily. I'm not really one to talk about frequencies and downloads, but you really are operating on a higher vibration. Not only that, but you've got a ladder and an instruction manual so we can rise too.

I love how you get real about how hard it is to love ourselves in a way that goes beyond spa treatment self care (not that I don't appreciate a massage every once in a while - ie chapter 24 of my memoir that dropped today 🤣).

I've read that the number one regret that people have at the end of life is not being true to themselves and living a more authentic life. In my case, my husband's death was the catalyst for the changes I made in my life, but we shouldn't have to lose so much to put our own needs and desires first.

As you wrote, baby steps add up to real change. The big surprise on the other side of doing the scary thing is that most people are too busy worrying about their own lives to take much notice of what we are doing.

I love you, I think you are awesome and I aspire to be vibing up there in the clouds with you some day.

PS I sent flowers to myself each Valentine's Day after my husband died. This year I included a note that says YOU ARE LOVED. It's in my junk drawer in the kitchen so I see it every time I need the scissors - which is surprisingly quite often.

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Oh Amy, thank you so much. I've been away from normal life due to a family emergency this week, so I'm just reading your comment now. I can't say that I vibe on an especially high frequency but I do feel like part of my life's work is to synthesize and share what I've lived through. (I had my human design done last year, and it also all pointed to this, which is weird and also not that weird.) I think you are so awesome and so brave and so inspiring, and I have buckets of love and admiration for you. And I love your YOU ARE LOVED note. You are, you are, you are. xoxo

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Awww, Emily, what a beautiful thing to say, thank you so much! I’m sorry to hear you had a family emergency - I hope life is treating you gently, and/or you are protecting your peace. It’s not easy in a world where everything is moving 100 mph. You are loved, truly. XO Amy

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Jun 12Liked by Emily McDowell

Bahhhh, emily this is just what I needed to read today. Beyond the stress Ive shared in our class, I’m also newly on a sobriety journey and my emotions are EVERYWHERE. And I question myself every second of the day. Thank you for your words and your heart.

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Oh Meghan, my goodness, you are working with a lot -- and thank you for letting me know about this extra layer. (And I'm sorry for my slow response, I've been involved with a family emergency and then I got Covid.) I'm just sending so much love your way and I'm looking forward to seeing you Wednesday. xoxo

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Jun 12Liked by Emily McDowell

All of this resonated deeply with me, but especially “circling the block.” I am currently doing that in regards to a friendship, but this is the perspective I needed to pedal down and get the hell out of this emotional cul-de-sac! ✌🏼💥💗

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Yes! I love it! Thank you Sheila.

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You are the one you’ve been waiting for. Every hair on my body is standing end to end. ⚡️

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Jun 12Liked by Emily McDowell

Thank you for this Emily, we all know this is something that we should be doing and yet very few resources take time to explain how. ❤️❤️ I love the suggestions.

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Thank you Beth!

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Jun 13Liked by Emily McDowell

Just YES. 100%. And exactly what I needed today, about which I am not at all surprised. So much gratitude, Emily!!

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Thank you so much, Jenny!

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I had major chills reading this. The best kind. Gosh I'm just so glad you're here in this life with us!!!!

3 fun things I need to share for anyone wanting "further reading" on this – the first 2 are poems I have printed and up on my wall next to each other where I see them every day, and try to read like once a week+:

1.) She Let Go by Safire Rose

2.) The Journey by Mary Oliver

Here's my Canva link to them: https://www.canva.com/design/DAFuKGsLEAw/-2QQazK5F__S4dzrBjNVdg/view?utm_content=DAFuKGsLEAw&utm_campaign=designshare&utm_medium=link&utm_source=editor

3.) Real Self-Care by Pooja Lakshmin, MD. I'm a few chapters in and it's blowing my mind. Totally on par with everything you're saying, Emily.

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